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Perth Pickleball Club Code of Conduct

The aim of the Club is to provide an environment where all players can play the game to the best of their ability, and most importantly, have fun whilst doing so.
Our goal is to promote the growth and development of pickleball. The sport will succeed best if players embrace the values of good sportsmanship, lead by example, display respect and show self control.
All members and visitors must agree to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner, on the courts or when observing others while waiting their turn to play.
The code below applies in all situations that relate directly or indirectly to Club sessions and to every person involved in pickleball at Perth Pickleball Club (participant, official, volunteer or spectator):

  • Do not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct or encourage others to do so

  • Do not engage in any behaviour or style of play which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of others

  • Do not use profanity

  • Treat the facility, its staff, all equipment and others with respect

  • Exhibit fairness and honesty in your dealings with others

  • Observe the golden rule of doing unto others as you would have done to yourself

Members who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct may have disciplinary action taken against them by the Club.
Always remember that pickleball is a game. At Club sessions play to have fun.

Court Etiquette

Please help set up the courts for play and help take them down at the end of sessions.


Everyone was a beginner at one time and playing with people who are better than you can help you improve your game, this is true at all skill levels, and will keep the sport of pickleball developing.


Offer advice and mentor beginners only where appropriate and wanted, encourage them to help improve their skills and enjoyment of the game. Advice should only be given to an experienced player if they indicate they would like your guidance on strategy, positioning, shots etc.


Everyone appreciates the time given to assist all levels of player with rules, set-up, specific plays etc. 


If you are an advanced player please adjust your style when playing with or against beginners - you can still work on your game skills and strategy whilst playing in this manner.


Do not target or intimidate weaker players, partners or opponents just to dominate and win a game; save that style of play for more competitive situations. At Club sessions play to have fun and play competitively when players are evenly matched.


Recognise and complement your partner and opponents when they make good shots. 


Apologise for bad or inappropriate remarks immediately.


All members have a role to play in encouraging players to assume responsibility for their personal safety and the safety of others.


Any serious breaches of the Code of Conduct or Court Etiquette should be reported to a Club committee member as soon as possible.


The full Code of Conduct and guidance on Court Etiquette can be read by following this link:

Code of Conduct



Important Safety Infomation

Always remember that pickleball should be played as safely as possible at all times. At club sessions we encourage players to have fun whilst observing basic safety guidelines. Key safety points include


  • The importance of warming-up before activity

  • Wearing appropriate indoor court shoes (rather than outdoor running shoes/trainers)

  • Avoiding running backwards to retrieve overhead shots

  • Staying well hydrated

  • Being self-aware about individual limitations or impairments.

  • Players are expected to call "Ball" to alert other players if their ball bounces onto another court

  • Never run onto an active court to retrieve a ball

  • Do not recklessly kick away a ball that has rolled or bounced onto your court.

  • Play must stop immediately if another ball bounces onto an active court.

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Perth Pickleball Club is a Member of Pickleball Scotland

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